June 2018
Crystal Core
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Currently, there is immense activity occurring underground as the result of the earth's Crystal Core activation. This has ignited new arterial pathways running liquid crystal frequencies throughout the earth's crystalline grid, establishing new circuitry and lightbody code in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal intergalactic communication lines. This is very encouraging and seems to be a part of the morphogenesis happening now, where changes in the quality of energy in a system allow profound changes in the expression of that energy into a variety forms and structures.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 61872
May 2018
Abuses of Power
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
In these tumultuous and challenging times of great transition for humanity, we are being forced to repeatedly observe how the values and organizing principles of current human culture have been shaped to distort natural laws and subvert human heart-based values. The main pillars of society have been built to enslave the masses and extract resources for those at the top and their corrupt minions, willing to turn on their fellow human beings. If we look at the main problems created in the world, they have been built upon inverted values, enforced by the controller archetype of the False King of Tyranny.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 34046
April 2018
Planetary Staff
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
The last few months have been quite difficult on the body for many, as we are attempting to find our new grounding and equilibrium in the next Harmonic Universe, while tracking the changes to the light body and manifestation templates. More recently the focus has been on seeing how these changes are affecting the planetary light body, specifically changes to the central Planetary Staff alignment, which is sending ripples of change through the dimensional fields. The movement of the Planetary Staff is intersecting the NAA invasion, Electric Wars, AI infiltration timelines intended for human harvest on one hand, and the Aquaferion Counsels, Paliadorian Activation, restoration of the Tribal Shield and Diamond Sun Body intended for human freedom on the other. As we consider what this shift portends, we gather what pieces we can from this new vantage point. There is increasing support for those working to free themselves from frequency nets, blood covenants, hybridization codes, gender reversals, and soul splitting at this time. Yet, those beings who feel they have some ownership over humanity are not giving up, but escalating chaos in an effort to fulfill a WW3 Armageddon type prophecy.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 55113
March 2018
Law of Gender
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
With the shifts into the next Harmonic Universe there are some changes happening in the light body, which are affecting merkaba mechanics and how the gender fins of the light body operate. With these changes come new opportunities to uncover and heal any gender distortions we may be carrying. These changes also deepen our understanding of how Gender Principles are part of the Natural Laws, and how unifying gender principles manifests as the diamond sun Krystallah orb body. With the Paliadorian Activations there are new mathematical proportions of the diamond sun 12 Tree Grid pattern being embodied, including the reclamation of Adamic lines. In contrast there is an aggressive form of gender confusion being amplified, which is linked with the Transhumanist agenda. We observe what is happening in the promotion of gender reassignment surgeries and discuss some of the impacts Transgenderism may have on the soul and lightbody.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 74565
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Laying the Foundation
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
November 2006
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
During these past few months we have been completing a phase of personal reorganization and recreating our perceptions of who we really are. This included a penetrating exploration of the deepest layers of our psycho-spiritual selves and how this has programmed our being and past behavior patterns. We have been closing accounts, ending relationships, losing the ancestral imprints and looking through a magnifying glass at our masculine and feminine roles. And about now we are so ready to solidify a new reality, so ready to meet more of our soul family and live in a like minded community. The anticipation we feel around assuming our new energy roles and purpose in the world have been increasingly felt.