December 2020
Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
This month’s newsletter is a very brief summation about the current themes happening in the global shift, which are directly catalyzed by the Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation on December 21, 2020.
Our Christmas present at the end of this challenging year is that the Universal Father Solar Rishi and the Cosmic Christos Consciousness families from the God World Source Domains have returned to this earth. We begin a new phase during the Ascension Cycle of which disclosure and meaningful access to truthful events in regard to crimes made against humanity will begin to be reported to the masses and will be enforced into accountability. The Solar Rishi will ultimately preside over the revelations of truth to the people of earth as well as holding interdimensional tribunals, as this is connected to the complete unpacking of the disclosure timeline which represents planetary ascension.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 33759

November 2020
Ending Human Trafficking
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Foreword: The topic of Human Trafficking is highly polarizing and controversial and is the reason I’ve written a foreword to this month’s newsletter. It feels important to have a runway describing why this issue is so forbidden and extinguished from public discourse, and how successful the gaslighting is to distract humanity from connecting the dots and seeing it. The mainstream media mind control that is backed by the Power Elite and NAA forces aggressively use every psychological warfare tactic that they have at their disposal to attack and suppress the education of the public about this most dehumanizing and immoral crime against humanity – Human Trafficking. For a long while the Power Elite and their criminal cabal families have used compartmentalized government institutions and transnational business models to hide their illicit activities by framing their business operations as legitimate and lawful, while making obscene profits on the slavery, ritual abuse, sexual exploitation and sale of human beings. This is the inverted system of control that has been created by the Power Elite Controllers. In the external, the mainstream media’s mass psychological operations are intended to traumatize and infect our minds with powerful deceptions, gaslighting and bold face lies to emotionally trigger our pain body through the coordinated rhetoric that is being designed to demoralize and weaken the population. Deploying demoralization and dehumanization tactics against the masses generates mind control slaves, people that believe everything that is being said by the authorities and the mainstream media. Thus, people are groomed to do what they are told. Those that control the media, control the spin of the narrative in order to hide the many crimes of the elites.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 30474

September 2020
The Amethyst Order and Violet Flame Holders
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Since the onset of the Paliadorian Activation cycle, significant changes have been occurring within the core manifestation template and the base 12 architecture in this Universal system. This could best be described as an expansion, as the God Source Creator has opened up several ascending pathways from our time matrix that lead directly into the highest sovereign realities existing within the God Worlds. Through the addition of the three-dimensional layers built into our Universal Time Matrix, our system has integrated three unlocked corridors which include another harmonic universe layer that expands into 16D, 17D and 18D, which are nondimensionalized Cosmic Founder God Source consciousness fields.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 50918

October 2020
Universal Shadow
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
The entire Universal Time Matrix, our Milky Way system has shifted into the higher frequency domain of the nondimensionalized Cosmic layers of the God Source field as an Ascension Host failsafe plan. The expansion into these three new bands of Cosmic God Source field creation allow for the return of the Solar Rishi, the first triad of light manifestation that make up the Universal Trinity. The Universal Solar Rishi are the Threefold Founder Flame gestalt consciousness that exist in pre-matter and are that which all biological forms have been created in the Harmonic Universes. Recently, during the next stages of the planetary ascension cycle, the Solar Rishi have begun their descent from the pre-matter layers and into the core of creation which links into the dimensions of the matter worlds. The return of the Solar Rishi into the matter worlds is a significant event which has generated massive impacts to the timeline architecture of this reality, bringing structural changes and ripples of deep cellular transformation to the individual, collective consciousness and entire planetary sphere. During this phase the planetary architecture has entered into the Solar Rishi matrix spiritual initiation, the Kee Ra Sha tri-wave braided communication. Approximately by the end of this year, the Solar Rishi matrix will have braided themselves and anchored the entire Rishic matrix into the planetary staff for the purpose of the Universal Trinity integration within the organic timeline of this matter realm.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 42858
Suggested for You
EMF Field Calibration
Set the Command for Recalibration before bedtime.
Connect to 12D Hub (see 12D Technique)
Invocate the following:
We Ask The Guardians, our God Self, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.
Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Christos Force Of Liquid Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.
North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the God Sentinels and Aurora Forces to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.
Anchor, activate, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be. Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication.
Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, Electro magnetic Battery Body. Reset and Synchronize to Ascension Timeline of God-Sovereign-Free in this moment of Self.
Reconnect and axiatonally align all upgraded etheric merdian Channels to the Aurora Portal Network and their Axiatonal lines in order of priority. Please Recalibrate, Synchronize our clock shield and horizontal networks.
Anchor the Biological Codes for the Christos Race, Activate my Silicate Matrix and Activate the God Particle Electrons.
Beloved Aurora Forces and the New Earth Aurora Devas of healing specific to EMF field balancing to Recalibrate and align all electromagnetic devices and spectrum of frequencies in my home and office to be in attunement with my highest divine essence vibration.
Call upon your personal “Gatekeeper” assigned by the Guardian Celestial Management Structures to monitor and correct all disturbing radioactive and EMF frequencies creating disharmony within your field. Request your Regent Guardian “Gatekeeper” permanently to monitor energy harmonization of your field 24/7/365. Phase align and synchronize all 12 bodies and establish beneficial communications between all minds for optimum integration.
Nature and The Elemental Kingdom
This month we are exploring Nature spirits and the Elemental Kingdom. In May we discussed the Devic Kingdom and nature spirits that comprise the M.A.P. healing teams. This will explore further more of the hierarchies that exist in these realms. Last week I met a new friend that is a medical intuitive and she does similar healing work as I do. She described to me as a child listening to the orchestral movements of nature, how the blades of grass would sing to her, how the trees moved in beautiful melodies and that walking outside was like sitting in the middle of a beautiful Symphony. This inspired me to write in more detail about the nature spirits and elementals. Most of us humans have been disconnected from sensing this exquisite level of reality, one that is teaming with consciousness, life and beauty. The Earth and her kingdom’s are very much alive and interconnected with all life forms and human beings. They are very much impacted by humanities evolution and all are simultaneously evolving with us. When working with the nature realms and the earth kingdoms, it is suggested to learn how to 12D shield your personal aura and learn to create 12D session space first. When one is holding a loving but neutral polarity, being of service to the nature realms is productive ad amplified through a clear exchange of intention to serve the highest expression in divine will for all parties involved.
Nature Devas
There are many types of Devas both working at subhuman and superhuman levels. Each group of Devas has specific work and methods to attain their goals and evolutionary purposes. The evolution of Devas is speeding up in synchronization with evolution of the human family. As humans learn to work more closely with the Devic evolution, they will learn how to heal and control their etheric bodies to a greater degree. They hold the patterns that underlie all living and growing things on the planet. That includes the mineral, plants, and animal kingdom's as well as the elements of fire, air, earth and water. Human bodies are governed by nature spirits where they are the spiritual equivalent of the cell, organisms and microorganisms that work together to make organs, tissues and glands function properly. Devas and nature spirits must be distinguished from each other.