December 2021
Cathedral Activation Begins
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
In the fog of global spiritual warfare, nothing can be accepted at face value, all is shifting on the inner, in between and outer planes, as the planet is in a state of grand flux in her ascension evolution. Through the transcendent moments of the triune unifier fire-water transmissions that were designed to surface our deepest spiritual wounds during the Ophiuchus cycle, these potent personal activations led up to a major crescendo of grid wars and defense of Christos trinity architecture and gateways. December was met with the major unpacking of NAA artificial machinery running black magic grids, reversal currents and metatronic base 5 programming throughout the ley lines as Dark Mother. These changes generated a series of explosions in the outer fields as the result of a series of Cathedral Activations which led to a grand activation at the Lincoln Cathedral in the United Kingdom during the Winter Solstice.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 44019

November 2021
Crystal Healing for Children
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Recently the Amethyst Dragon Kings hosted a pale magenta violet vertical pillar as support for the Cosmic Holy Father principle within the multidimensional layers of the Albion Lightbody. Amethyst Order hosted Kingship Arcs were anchored which brought the next stage of corrected Solar Masculine Christ and Solar Feminine Christ principle through Newgrange, Ireland, which is a Mother Arc Stargate. The 15:15:15 code pattern is the organic Christos alignment of the Solar Masculine Christos Rod architecture from the Rha God World Creation of The Amethyst Order Violet Flame Yanas and Ramyanas. This Rod correction contains the Cosmic Solar Dragon King body parts with organic Violet Sun alignments that allow for the mathematical merge with the vertical Solar Female Christos pattern in order to resurrect herself fully through the magnetic properties of the female 13:13 Staff architecture, which formed into the Universal Ankh body. Through the sacred scepter flame codes of our Cosmic Holy Father which includes the 15:15:15 coded magenta sands of time, this coding is the basis of the sacred math of the Ancient Cosmic Christos Builders from the God Worlds. These Cosmic Father codes from the Amethyst Order anchor the organic feedback loops of the Kryst-Krystallah architecture to transmit organic violet rays that are sourcing directly from the Amethyst Order.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 31667

October 2021
Psychology of Evil
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
There are direct experiencers and non-experiencers, empaths and non-empaths. The experiencers and Starseeds on the ascension path know full well we are in deep with the spiritual warfare that is aggressively attacking all Guardian Host representatives, awakening humans and those serving the reclamation of the Christos mission on multiple planes of reality. It is my belief that giving the public those galactic details in the middle of an active genocidal program that is gaining numbers on the Earth plane is not productive or helpful at this time. We need clear minds and pure hearts to unite our focused prayers to support each other and stand up for the truth, in order to prevent more tragedies from escalating that further harm humans or kill more children. Thus, this article is directed to support the empathic experiencers so they can better interact with the non-experiencers around them, by opening compassionate conversations on current news topics and world events that show very clearly that the nature of evil has taken over many people in different positions of social and governmental power.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 43184

September 2021
Examining Beliefs
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
As more of humanity awakens, the range of societal problems that are purposely generating devastating harm and destruction connected to authoritarian power abuses and monstrous crimes against humanity has become increasingly evident. How can it be that so many reasonable, intelligent and good-hearted humans became grossly enmeshed in the controlled narrative and further were unable to discern egregious lies and gaslighting tactics used to perpetuate and accept these many global crimes being made against humanity? The old 3D paradigm and its control narratives are sinking fast, which means an incredible amount of data dumps filled with much more difficult disclosure related information will continue to explode into the surface view for more people to see. This will be a difficult time for many humans to mentally and emotionally process this ongoing rabbit hole of painful disclosure information revealing the brutal facts of those who have orchestrated these crimes and those who accepted the bribes to go along with the anti-human agenda. During this transition, those already awakened will find themselves being put into positions of giving reinforcement and moral support to others when they come to realize what is actually happening.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 27943
Suggested for You
Easing Ascension Symptoms
On the planetary scale, a massive shift is taking place. Huge infusions of Light are coming to the Earth plane as the veil of separation and denial are lifting. Earth Ascension Changes are creating physical changes in our bodies right now. The planet is mutating, and so are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taking place in the very cells of your body.
A transmutation is the act of being transmuted or changed or altered in form, appearance, nature to a higher form. transmutation is the internal change going on inside the body that puts together the combination of parts or chemical elements, groups or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound so as to form a whole new combination. During mutation, this new combination may be constructed by the body from diverse conceptions into a coherent whole body that may be different from previous bodies.
The physical transmutation change within your bodies is a significant and basic alteration in the body. Some suggesitons that may help:
• Learn the 12D Shield, ES Core Triad practices and make the consistent dedication to clear fear and pain in one’s body.
• Breathing exercises and relaxing the physical body as deeply as possible. Relax the mind, relax the body, allow the energy to move through you and visualize it moving in spirals up the spine and out of your crown.
Into the Void
Those higher frequencies administered in a Stellar Activation Cycle, such as what we are experiencing now, are sourced from the Galactic and Cosmic planes and are absorbed into the stepped down layers of the Unified, Planetary and Human Energy Fields. These frequencies and light activations are absorbed at the higher plane levels and systematically descend into the various energetic layers until entering the world of form (density and matter). All life forms are energy placement holders and we act as the conduits of this energetic frequency to be penetrated through the planetary shield and its dimensional grid system. As this occurs and the frequency reaches levels of a percentage of critical mass, the grids that create the dimensional plane of “time and space” of which we experience as humans at this level of consciousness, begins to change and be altered. The reality of which we have experienced up to this point in this incarnation a nd our perception of that reality is beginning to be altered in rather drastic ways.
We are transiting through a major cycle of completion and onto another phase transition of our Ascension process. We are in an intensified cycle of evolution when the planet and its inhabitants are exposed to greater amounts of frequency and light (higher energy frequency patterns). These Higher Energy frequencies are introduced through the Unified Fields (The energy fields of all living things, individual and collective, including our planetary system) in very systematic and mechanical process that could be referred to as a Stellar Activation. As the Earth accelerates in vibratory frequency the human body and its energetic counterparts are required to also increase relative to the Earth’s increased vibratory frequency.
Those higher frequencies administered in a Stellar Activation Cycle, such as what we are experiencing now, are sourced from the Galactic and Cosmic planes and are absorbed into the stepped down layers of the Unified, Planetary and Human Energy Fields. These frequencies and light activations are absorbed at the higher plane levels and systematically descend into the various energetic layers until entering the world of form (density and matter). All life forms are energy placement holders and we act as the conduits of this energetic frequency to be penetrated through the planetary shield and its dimensional grid system. As this occurs and the frequency reaches levels of a percentage of critical mass, the grids that create the dimensional plane of “time and space” of which we experience as humans at this level of consciousness, begins to change and be altered. The reality of which we have experienced up to this point in this incarnation a nd our perception of that reality is beginning to be altered in rather drastic ways.