October 2024
Libra Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Many people from all walks of life are sensing the urgency of the immense dark encroachment of the controllers in their desperation to implement planetary enslavement agendas through attempting to roll out yet more tyrannical authoritarian measures against the citizens. They are carrying out assorted nefarious agendas while hiding behind the façades of those deliberately spreading false narratives, incessantly parroted by the approved sources of the fully captured mainstream media. The pernicious lies being broadcast are deliberately and blatantly used in casting sorcery spells of confusion and darkness all around us. The antichrist and his minions don’t bother to hide themselves from us anymore, we can see their smirking faces in their mocking rituals now, along with their most abused gaslighting tactic when any shred of truth surfaces. Their primary directive is to power forward with their sinister plans and to deny, deny and deny some more.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 9391
September 2024
Virgo Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Virgo Solar Alchemy
Note: Please be aware that increased censorship, shadow banning and the black listing of our website energeticsynthesis.com continues even more aggressively during the heightened spiritual warfare happening in the current terrain. We have been made aware of third-party cybersecurity businesses forming into the censorship industrial complex which blocks unapproved online content and we have been added to their growing list of forbidden websites on the internet that are discussing unapproved topics. As well as, search functions that are blocking access through skewed online search results that are designed to redirect the public away from our sites by sending them elsewhere. For years already, those that clone or copy our information onto other websites actually receive much more traffic than we do. This means that it is increasingly difficult for us to break through the many obstacles that are being put in place in which to shadow ban our websites, censor newsletters and interfere with our email list. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience, but it should be understood that the mass censorship agenda is in full swing and is targeting all truth tellers and spiritual seekers, which result in some people not receiving our monthly news mail outs and having trouble accessing the Energetic Synthesis site. We thank you for your support over the many years and pray that one day with global disclosure, truth seekers and truth tellers, and those dedicated to the Christ-Christos-Sophia mission will cease to be relentlessly targeted and silenced in the public square. We pray for the truth to set humanity free, until then, calm we shall keep and carry on we must! ~GSF, Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
There are specific historical timeline trigger events that are directly related to the seed or causal events of the main Galactic War histories involving humanity. The NAA war against humanity originated from the timelines of the Lyran and Orion Wars from the higher Harmonic Universe. When the Cradle of Lyra and several planets exploded this further destroyed the Andromedan Stargate, leaving humanity trapped in a fallen system. Those histories of Galactic warring eventually descended into many conflicts for power and control over the 3D Earth. The Belial Sons Luciferian Covenant and the Black Sun Program ultimately united to form the NAA artificial intelligence transhumanist-transgender programming that is enmeshed with the 911 Timeline Agenda that is actively playing out today, in the Timeline Wars.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 23830
August 2024
Leo Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
During annual August alignments of Leo, the planet undergoes what is called its Magnetic Peak cycle which generally transpires during the week of August 8th to August 15th, with August 12th being the pinnacle wave of magnetic force field transmission. This year’s Magnetic Peak cycle reaches another zenith for extreme levels of planetary electromagnetic amplification that radically shift what mainstream science would define as gravity and gravitational pull, because generally this is described as the resulting interaction between two masses. Generally, science thinks of gravity as the force which is generated by the curving of spacetime by all the objects in it, combined with the geodesic or straight motions of those objects through the spacetime. In the future, humanity will undergo several major scientific revelations to know that the true reality of gravitational forces has been intentionally hidden from them by the archontic controllers, due to the existence of zero gravity technologies and free energy devices.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 17634
July 2024
Cancerian Solar Alchemy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
As the Cosmic Holy Father returns with the Andromedan 8D Christos Realm keepers destined to be seated in the 8D Grail Emerald-Ruby Diamond Krystal Cathedral forming into the octagonal foundation stone of the Temple of Khemalohatea, they must determine what must undergo dissolution and transmutation in order to prepare the organic planetary templar Kathara shield for the alchemical process of the Separation of Worlds.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 15092
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Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation
December 2020
Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
This month’s newsletter is a very brief summation about the current themes happening in the global shift, which are directly catalyzed by the Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation on December 21, 2020.
Our Christmas present at the end of this challenging year is that the Universal Father Solar Rishi and the Cosmic Christos Consciousness families from the God World Source Domains have returned to this earth. We begin a new phase during the Ascension Cycle of which disclosure and meaningful access to truthful events in regard to crimes made against humanity will begin to be reported to the masses and will be enforced into accountability. The Solar Rishi will ultimately preside over the revelations of truth to the people of earth as well as holding interdimensional tribunals, as this is connected to the complete unpacking of the disclosure timeline which represents planetary ascension.