Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
March 2007
Lisa Renee
This month, certain planetary events are to be quite important in catapulting us into the new directions of our Ascension soul plan. I refer to this as Show Time. Those of us that are on this Timeline of the Ascension plan, will resonate with the feeling that there is a new stage of our personal soul plan developing in our lives. We may still be experiencing the dissolving of structures around us, yet the crossroads of change affecting our future decisions is in our view. We are holding the inner feeling that a huge change is just about on the horizon. Now all we have to do is deeply trust that inner feeling and surrender to its timing. Know that when the timing of a decision is in your immediate view, in the the now moment, you will know exactly what you need to. It will be perfectly orchestrated.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 23322
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
April 2007
Lisa Renee
My Goodness, could there be any more energies for us to dive into and handle over this last month? How is our Ascension family doing? We have had just about all we could handle and the kitchen sink thrown at us. The Mercury station went direct, thank god. Then came the lunar eclipse, the solar eclipse and the spring equinox all bringing us through a momentous crescendo of pulsing, pushing and pulling, washing machine type of swirling energies. I am still standing and am here to talk about it.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 25606
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
May 2007
Lisa Renee
This last quarter has been nothing short of breathtaking, with such life altering transformational forces propelling us forward. We are still settling into the multidimensional intersection described last month. Feeling relieved, grateful and at times grief stricken as we have left much behind. Our old world which included layers of outworn belief structures, errant emotions and the idiot compassion that drew us into others dramas, are withering away from our lack of attention. An experience of the inner light bearing the true compassion for ourselves and others has surfaced to honor our new reconstruction and reordering. We are feeling quite humbled.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 22512
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
June 2007
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Welcome to June and thank you so much for being here. I cannot tell you enough how appreciative I am that you are here in this space now and are on the planet contributing to this Ascension Cycle and thus, the healing of the whole human species and many other life forms.
If you are reading this message it is not by accident, as it holds a very specific frequency that attracts the energetic resonance of a Starseed or Indigo Soul. It takes one to know one, and we are waking up en masse on the planet now during this Ascension Cycle. If the last month was a rough go for you I want to help you remember just why you are here.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 30073
Suggested For You
Communion to Confirmation
May 2011
Communion to Confirmation
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
We are entering times of a Great Celebration as the Ascension cycle in the Restoration period continues from last November. This month the Guardians use common terms in religious and theological rites that are not from my current life experiences, as I have had no biblical or religious training. However, they describe that many of these terms used in ceremonies of organized religion and other power controller rituals such as within the Illuminati factions, are actually referencing and using parts of our own personal and planetary collective spiritual lightbodies. They also speak of how these rituals are used to build energetic positions, called trigger events to manifest certain world events into a desired outcome in the global scape. We have entered a time such as this, where World Domination is being attempted as a response to the recent progress of Open Architecture, that has changed the game on planet earth as we know it.