Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
February 2006
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Due to the intensity of our current energetic terrain and the related Ascension Symptoms within the last weeks, I felt an Alert was needed. There have been some rather accelerated physical symptoms that have had many of us feeling completely disoriented and exhausted. If you have been feeling this way over the last month then this newsletter is for you. This is a primer on EMF fields and dynamics describing why Lightworkers are experiencing EMF radiation over exposure and related symptoms now.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 41541
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
March 2006
Lisa Renee
This article will begin a discussion on the interrelationship of recent energetic Stellar Activations that we have been integrating to the subsequent activation of releasing Seed Fears. These Seed Fears are a part of the process that many of us as Lightworkers, are currently working through and clearing at this time. This has been a tumultuous and heavily emotional time for many of us as we work to heal ourselves both individually and collectively. We need to share our experiences to glean a greater understanding and acceptance of the circumstances in which we are finding ourselves.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 30112
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
April 2006
Lisa Renee
The first quarter of this year has been quite dramatic with astrological configurations, eclipses, alignments and solar flares resulting in a plethora of energetic events impacting all of us. Almost daily I receive new detail about some celestial anomaly that has supposedly not occurred here on the Earth for hundreds or even thousands of years.
The recent Solar Eclipse on March 29th marks yet another huge influx of energy that will catalyze humanities progress into one of the increasing polarity spirals. Our downward or upward spiral of personal evolution will be exponentially increased by these forces. For those more consciously interacting with these forces, it will be apparent this is propelling us to shape our soul destiny. This influx of energy is amplifying both spirals, creating an ever increasing polarity junction between these two possible realities.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 22646
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
May 2006
Lisa Renee
Last month we talked about the Deployment of the various soul groups that are beginning to activate and assemble in order to participate in the next level of our individual and collective soul plan. I will refer to these soul groups as the Indigo Races or Starseeds. Please note that the Indigo Races are a part of the Starseed Family but are not the only race belonging to the Starseed family. This article will discuss the three main streams of souls emerging to more actively participate in their Ascension soul contracts this year. These soul groups will be described in what has been referred to by the Guardians as Indigo Typing.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 57262
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Pestilence Program
March 2020
Pestilence Program
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible in the physical material world when observing the current global events. This is a time of heightened spiritual warfare against all aspects of human freedom. This crisis event is a major milestone in the ascension timeline in which we must look deeply into our authentic core self and ask our inner spiritual guidance for the answers when addressing the greater problems humanity is facing. This is a collective dark night of the soul transition forcing us to look deeper. What kind of person do you want to be in the midst of the turmoil that is happening during the manufactured global crisis that is unraveling? Awake and aware? Asleep at the wheel?