Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
November 2007
Lisa Renee
This upcoming phase into the next year has several intersection points that will create important windows of opportunity, that may come to manifest externally in the global scape. We are certainly embarking on the most amazing adventure of our lifetimes. The current energetic barometer is that anything can happen at any moment. Depending on your level of adaptability and surrender, this will either exhilarate you or bring you some anxiety.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 21846
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
December 2007
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Once again, we find ourselves stationed at an intersection point in time facing many possible openings that will lead us into completely new terrain over the next year. We are still hacking through the bush, creating a new path into the unknown, a process similar to 'chop wood and carry water'. Many of us are in a phase of learning new disciplines for our upcoming soul projects, which require both an inner directed focus on an objective and an outward structure to manifest.
We have our eye on the ball and there is no energy left for dispersal to anything outside of the disciplined focus of our soul's mission. This is not a time to drop the ball, as we can feel the celestial mandate giving us a time frame. There are so many things to route in a day's time we truly have no other way to be but fully present in the Now. We can feel that we are carrying an important template and energy that will impact our lives and the lives of many others in the longer term. With that comes a responsibility, which we are protecting until we can carry it over the finish line. As we endeavor to clear a new pathway over the next three months, the decisions we make will be life changing. We have been asking for a new way of life, a new energy system to emerge as we stand on the threshold of the old crumbling system. We are coming to the tipping point of what reality and what timelines will manifest in the external systems of our world at a global level. We can empower ourselves by consciously aligning and committing to our spiritual truth and its purposes to serve in the new reality. For most beings however, who are unaware of the power they have to change their reality it will be the overall vibratory nature, the emotional equilibrium and resulting light quotient that will be the deciding factor in the next chapter of their body's consciousness.
- Category: 2007
- Views: 21415
Lifting Your Veil Series: Surviving the Ascension Process
January 2006
Lisa Renee
Here we are at a specific point in our journey the long awaited ascent, The Nexus linking us to the New World we have been dreaming into existence for a very, very long time. Dear family, as we move into 2006 take a deep inhalation and remember the precious breath of your life that you have given to this great accomplishment. You have worked so hard, using your faith as an internal compass to navigate blind in a sandstorm, and your conviction that has contributed so much to lay this important groundwork for our world. This incredible contribution of faith has created this bridge into the New Realities. I have so much gratitude for all of your assistance, your healing, your clearing, your recovery, your pain, your growth, and finally your incredible endurance and courage to lay down the emotional baggage. This helped you find an inner strength that you never knew you could possess, in order to walk over that threshold into an entirely new way of living and experiencing. This holds huge opportunities for all of us that are walking this time cycle of Ascension, especially those of us consciously participating.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 21879
Lifting Your Veil Series: Surviving the Ascension Process
January 2006 (extra edition)
Lisa Renee
This second installment for January is to discuss a significant phase that occurs in the process of initiation for many Lightworkers that I refer to as The Spiritual Nomad. Often when one reaches this transition phase of spiritual evolution, it can be so painfully unnerving to the personality and ego that it not only devastates one's self esteem, it also severely undermines our confidence to manifest even the most basic needs for our survival. It is precisely our root fears of survival that are being shaken to the core and unpeeled from us during this process. We are being prompted to work toward clearing these fears and perfecting our trust and surrender. It is extremely important to understand the dynamics of why this occurs and how common it actually is.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 32918
Suggested For You
The Vatican and Dark Mother
January 2021
The Vatican and Dark Mother
Lisa Renee
Foreword: As many of us are well aware, the past weeks have been mounting with interdimensional spiritual warfare that translates on the earth surface as disinformation and covert military operations. This warfare is engaged in the strategies of the end game battle against the shadow government and its organizations that have been run by the globalist Controllers or Luciferian bloodline families. This phase brings us into the fog of warfare where confusion, rumors, misinformation and military grade propaganda are being pushed aggressively in many opposing directions in order to subdue dissenters or incite the mob frenzy. Things will likely escalate into reports of news of assorted global conflicts that will sound extremely scary, as in reports of preludes to global warfare and nuclear weapon warring. When things are appearing to be really dire on the external, please remember that things are not at all what they seem to be. Right now, we are in the height of false flags, agent provocateurs, controlled opposition, blatant lies and falsity, deep fake videos and every propaganda tool they can come up with to keep the public confused and terrorized. It is important to keep an open mind, learn how to become more flexible and adaptable to spontaneous changes of perception, and to stay calm, peaceful and in the observer consciousness. This is a momentous time for human liberation, but we will need to become more discerning and aware that the propaganda machine is using military grade warfare to target us with demoralizing fears. Do not succumb to the fear, work your spiritual tools, pray and meditate. Realizations of betrayal may be prevalent so this is the time for radical self-care and knowing your limits, while supporting loved ones and friends as best we can.