Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
April 2006
Lisa Renee
The first quarter of this year has been quite dramatic with astrological configurations, eclipses, alignments and solar flares resulting in a plethora of energetic events impacting all of us. Almost daily I receive new detail about some celestial anomaly that has supposedly not occurred here on the Earth for hundreds or even thousands of years.
The recent Solar Eclipse on March 29th marks yet another huge influx of energy that will catalyze humanities progress into one of the increasing polarity spirals. Our downward or upward spiral of personal evolution will be exponentially increased by these forces. For those more consciously interacting with these forces, it will be apparent this is propelling us to shape our soul destiny. This influx of energy is amplifying both spirals, creating an ever increasing polarity junction between these two possible realities.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 21547
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
May 2006
Lisa Renee
Last month we talked about the Deployment of the various soul groups that are beginning to activate and assemble in order to participate in the next level of our individual and collective soul plan. I will refer to these soul groups as the Indigo Races or Starseeds. Please note that the Indigo Races are a part of the Starseed Family but are not the only race belonging to the Starseed family. This article will discuss the three main streams of souls emerging to more actively participate in their Ascension soul contracts this year. These soul groups will be described in what has been referred to by the Guardians as Indigo Typing.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 54913
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
June 2006
Lisa Renee
As we hit this midyear point for 2006, I must say the amount of lifetimes we have experienced in the last six months is just too many to count. What an amazing time we are living in. This past May was chock full of activations and many large gateways are opening now as a result. Please see the end of this newsletter for more detail about how these activations are impacting us.
There is one gateway in particular that is very important to discuss at this time. Going back to our January article, it was brought to us that 2006 had a theme relating to the tarot card The Star. This influence meant that many of us in agreement to embody the New Energy Female, would be delving even deeper into the healing and restructuring of our female roles. We would be integrating our masculine and feminine energies into greater balance.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 24836
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
July 2006
Lisa Renee
Little did I know how these monthly articles would come in some coherent sequence when I started to write them. Witnessing the divine plan in action is always awe inspiring. This month's article is a great example of continuation from last months. When we can connect the dots in these patterns to observe a congruent clarity, it relaxes our mind to fully trust being present to the moment. We then experience greater levels of divine grace and its perfection manifesting in our daily lives. This instills inner peace into our evolution process when we remember that really, All Is in Divine Right Order and Harmony. As an Ascending human, clearly the way this unfolding evolution of our Universe is revealed is on a Need to Know basis. Armed with faith and trust, knowing our soul plan while staying connected to the present moment, is what serves us well during this Ascension time. We have many special surprises, twists and turns yet to come.
- Category: 2006
- Views: 23472
Suggested For You
Dedicated to the Emerald Founder Rishi
Dear Ascending Family,
Amongst the challenges of the essential embodiment themes connected to the retrievals of Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha consciousness body parts that are comprised of the organic Ruby Templar and Khemalot gender twin matrix, we both wish you many blessings for as much holy divine grace, wonderful ease and meaningful spiritual connections with all those whom you love and hold dear!