May 2012
Pushing for Timelines
Lisa Renee
Coming into the planet’s annual electrical peak cycle for this May, the players are aggressively jockeying for optimum position in the field, devising their strategies, clawing their way through the 2012 Ascension cycle reality show, Pushing for Timelines. We have groups pushing for their agenda to cull as many people as they can, to get on board with their future timeline and agenda. In the larger overview, tempers are flared while engaged within heated ancient conflicts as there are fresh pawns being thrust into the controller’s game as an exercise of power. To prove they can still throw their weight around while attempting to intimidate others into enforcing their dominion agendas. Do not let this frighten you or take you out of your personal power. Command your space! There are many more people, primarily within the Starseed gene pools exposed to sleep state ET contact, ET type of dreams and other modes of communication and manipulation. (Please review March Newsletter section for Guidelines for Positive Contact). It is important to know IT IS YOU that must command your space and claim your sovereign right to State the Action of your Authority. The God Source and Christ Force do not attack or manipulate, however they Protect and Defend.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 55770
June 2010
Choice & Commitment
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
We are meeting at a bridge of multidimensional intersection over the summer months, which is about to create a larger energetic pathway in order to choose access towards the Ascension timeline. It is akin to saying the spiritual to physical broadband connection is just about to get much larger on this planet and will apply even more energetic pressure to make changes in our lives. As spoken of many times, the Ascension Timeline is the pathway of frequency accretion and genetic rehabilitation leading the consciousness and spiritual bodies to be fully released from the enslavement of reincarnating in the lower form worlds. The Guardian consciousness serving the Law of One has returned to this planet in order to support human sovereignty and liberation from the control of phantom forces. Phantom forces rely on the consumptive model in order to exist and this planetary system has become a source of that consumption, a food supply for those phantom forces that refuse to change or rehabilitate their consciousness, in order to live in harmony with the Natural Laws of God otherwise known as the Law of One. Over the eons of humanity's and E.T.'s history playing out these repeated destructive behaviors, it has damaged our group human consciousness, the spirit lightbody's function, the planetary grid and the global brain of human consciousness in a variety of ways. If we continue as a species to act destructively to our consciousness, whether we realize what we are doing or not, we lose the ability to connect to that consciousness. We then disconnect ourselves from our Source energy and there is only one pathway if that option continues. It will exhaust itself, fragmenting until there is nothing left.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 27998
May 2011
Communion to Confirmation
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
We are entering times of a Great Celebration as the Ascension cycle in the Restoration period continues from last November. This month the Guardians use common terms in religious and theological rites that are not from my current life experiences, as I have had no biblical or religious training. However, they describe that many of these terms used in ceremonies of organized religion and other power controller rituals such as within the Illuminati factions, are actually referencing and using parts of our own personal and planetary collective spiritual lightbodies. They also speak of how these rituals are used to build energetic positions, called trigger events to manifest certain world events into a desired outcome in the global scape. We have entered a time such as this, where World Domination is being attempted as a response to the recent progress of Open Architecture, that has changed the game on planet earth as we know it.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 35569
Lifting Your Veil: Surviving the Ascension Process
May 2009
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
These have been strange days. Where we seem to experience our day-to-day life as existing within abrupt and erratic pockets of time and space. This is an experience of interval-time as these new frequencies are pulling us beyond the duality matrix, beyond the duality perception. We are experiencing the pushing and pulling between the old energetic structure and the platform of our new energetic reality. We are being asked to hold the core of our essence and truth vibration in the midst of some challenging external events. Ever developing the continuing strength of our core and sublimation of our ego’s need to impose its will on the situation. Not my will but God’s will! Divine surrender has taken on another level of meaning for us at this time. There is nothing else to do but surrender to the moment that’s in front of you.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 28899
Suggested for You
EMF Field Calibration
Set the Command for Recalibration before bedtime.
Connect to 12D Hub (see 12D Technique)
Invocate the following:
We Ask The Guardians, our God Self, Evolution Support Teams, Starseed Identity Matrix, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.
Please Open the 12th Dimensional Vortex in counter clockwise motion into full expansion in the Christos Force Of Liquid Platinum Light, Grid this Space entirely in the 12th Dimensional Pale Silver Light. Set the Spin Accordingly, Calibrate, Anchor Lock and Seal in this Hologram.
North South East West – Earth- Sky : We direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Oneness. We Are Impenetrable and Invincible. We ask the God Sentinels and Aurora Forces to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which We Serve.
Anchor, activate, Divine Monadic Blueprint Body of Christ, As God would have it Be. Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication.
Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, Electro magnetic Battery Body. Reset and Synchronize to Ascension Timeline of God-Sovereign-Free in this moment of Self.
Reconnect and axiatonally align all upgraded etheric merdian Channels to the Aurora Portal Network and their Axiatonal lines in order of priority. Please Recalibrate, Synchronize our clock shield and horizontal networks.
Anchor the Biological Codes for the Christos Race, Activate my Silicate Matrix and Activate the God Particle Electrons.
Beloved Aurora Forces and the New Earth Aurora Devas of healing specific to EMF field balancing to Recalibrate and align all electromagnetic devices and spectrum of frequencies in my home and office to be in attunement with my highest divine essence vibration.
Call upon your personal “Gatekeeper” assigned by the Guardian Celestial Management Structures to monitor and correct all disturbing radioactive and EMF frequencies creating disharmony within your field. Request your Regent Guardian “Gatekeeper” permanently to monitor energy harmonization of your field 24/7/365. Phase align and synchronize all 12 bodies and establish beneficial communications between all minds for optimum integration.
Healing and Clearing
Energetic Healing and Clearing is nonverbal and nonlinear from the ego’s mental body perspective. If we think too much or have bias, we block sensory feeling and also block potential healing and clearing pathways. The physical body is a manifestation of the inner spiritual and energetic life force. All that outwardly manifests in your life experience has a Blueprint at the energetic levels of the body controlling those functions. Therefore it makes sense to restore balance to the energies of the body in order to restore the balanced function of the whole body system. The human body, both physically and energetically, manifests health and well- being when a balance of life force (chi) energy is maintained. The human body is naturally self-healing when homeostasis is achieved within the bodies regulating mechanisms, or when a balanced flow of energies can circulate throughout all bodily systems. When we understand our body and identity as multidimensional we will need to address all inner, outer and in-between spaces (multidimensionality) of our biology and its spiritual energetic processes in order to regain personal freedom.
Personal freedom is being freed of all constructs of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual suffering, torment or limitation.
As we regain the memory of our ability to personally heal and clear ourselves to be freed from such mechanisms of suffering, we will be able to clearly perceive the root cause of our suffering. At the core level, immense suffering always exists within the disconnection and/or interference between our body and our connection to our own spiritual energetic bodies and their source light. Absolutely all living things have a blueprint and access to that source light. When a living thing is blocked access to its source light, it gets sick, diseased, depressed and the DNA instruction set deteriorates rapidly. Through this system you will identify and locate those multidimensional parts that are disconnected, damaged or stolen, reclaim and reconnect them to achieve inner balance and union with your multidimensional selves. Achieving union with your multidimensional selves and their various parts is called polarity integration. Through the alchemical process of Polarity Integration (synthesis) within your body, positive and negative charges emanate a neutral charge field, the Zero Point. The zero point is a non-polarized charged field, and is the access to inner balance, health and well being as well as the key to Unity consciousness or embodying the Christos intelligence, a plasma light wave.