June 2009
At the Threshold
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
For those of us that are now fully listening to our inner presence, we may be able to sense the eternal intelligence fields transmitting into our very cells. For those choosing the Ascension Timeline, we know that we are standing at the threshold of a major life and planetary change. Defined as all of the unique individual pathways crafted within the ascension plan, as well as those unseen forces which impact the entire evolutionary direction of the human race. At this point on the planet, although mostly expressed without words, many, many beings can sense this change in their cells. We stand At the Threshold where we will actually experience Energy as Conscious and Consciousness as Energy. We begin another Timeline direction possibility this month and it is being aligned through our vibrational choice. This new energetic platform or Ascension Timeline presents itself to us after the alignment of the Gemini Full Moon, on June 7th. We will then begin to experience what will feel like another chapter of our life stream.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 23788
June 2011
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
It is now time to get down to the real business of true authenticity and transparency! The multiplicity of players that have returned to play out the ancient final conflict, such as the Atlantian war over power archetype, will start to be revealed and be seen clearly by those of us who have the eyes to see. We will see these archetypal roles and their dramas gaining clarity by playing out in our personal life and on the world center stage. We can actually see who is who as the masks are finally taken off in this master game of polarity. When we are able to finally see the actor wearing the mask in these archetypal games, we cannot be controlled by these false masks of perceived identity any longer. How much longer will humanity choose the mask of enemy patterning and the need to play the war game archetype? When we have the eyes to see the masked actors, we stop allowing them to push our karmic buttons, that spew out the same destructive programmed pattern in the collective over and over again.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 95338
June 2012
Life Review
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascension Family,
The recent dual eclipses along with the Venus Transit happening this first week in June, have surely been doing their job of shaking up the energetic environment and therefore shaking up the status quo. These energies are abrupt, sudden and intense, and are designed to really rock the boat to reveal what’s hidden. So, remaining as stable as possible and keeping an even keel, will help serve to navigate through these choppy waters. There is a sensation of great unease in the larger fields, as the space between breaths right before a great cosmic sneeze. We know in our cells something huge is coming and there is a level of preparation getting ready for it. The past few weeks have presented many of us with tremendous amounts of tasks to complete and issues to resolve. Almost as if there is a deadline associated with these tasks. Even if they appear mundane, there is a sense of a great meaning presently working behind the scenes.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 38969
Dear Friend,
As this summer has involved a heavy travel and workshop schedule for Lisa, the decision was taken to skip the usual July (2010) article. The next regular newsletter will come out in August.
Energetic Synthesis
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 18825
Suggested for You
Frequency Hubs
These intense times during the Ascension cycle requires accelerated clearing of old and dense energies from our bodies and the planet. This is required in order to access the higher reality fields that are now being exposed to the Earth. These higher reality fields are carried here in a concentrated energetic structure referred to as the “Frequency Hubs”. These are anchored into this dimensional plane creating energetic portal windows in various demographic locations on the planet. These "ascending hubs" were specifically placed on energetic planetary vortices in a type of concentric circled geometric pattern. They appear similar in appearance as to “crop circles” a phenomena that we have been familiarized with over the past few years. These hubs provide frequency to be stationed to stabilize the planet’s grid from interference while allowing accelerated frequency transmission to humans in an unprecedented format.
These energetic Frequency Hubs begin an entirely new level of Earth experience and response. These Hubs are an array of extremely concentrated high vibrating energies that also allow access to life forms (i.e. Et's) never before present to this reality. One purpose of these new Frequency Hubs is to energetically sustain the Lightworkers (Indigos and various soul groups) on the Ascension mission to expedite their next evolution level.
Biology of Kundalini
Dear Ascension Family,
I thought it appropriate to share kundalini resources as we go through this evolutionary phase. Many times my physical body is undergoing a very intense kundalini release with activated ascension symptom response and it has phases that it lasts for a long time at peak levels. Attempting to find nourishment is extremely difficult to frustrating, and I do not generally feel the ecstatic bliss states or vital energy. I am dealing with day to day commitments while my kundalini is burning out toxins and whatever else it is finding deep in the cellular material. Since western city life does not really support kundalini awakening or have any awareness about it, we have a challenge in that we are here to integrate into this contemporary society all the while with intense kundalini activations, transpiring simultaneously. This is one of the greatest challenges as an ascending human to find the balance in our lives as we are ascending. I am sure this is why so many of us undergoing kundalini activation isolate themselves, as the energy it takes to answer a simple question from other people, such as, how are you? What are you doing? can become a mind boggling proposition!