August 2011
Liquid Light is Freedom
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
The peak intensity of the shift happening now on the planet has called into action many new and different variations of Multidimensional beings from across the Multiverse. Many of these life form expressions, levels of existence or states of being, have never been exposed to the consciousness field of this planet nor this level of density in the 3D human realm. The majority of this vast network has agreed to work together in alignment to the higher orchestrated expression of the Celestial Management Structure, which receives its directive from the Core of Creation. The vision of this collective network is Unity Consciousness in Action, achieved through the mutual cooperation of creating a massive focal point, multiple dimensions of vast bodies all aligning together to place their combined creative power into One laser focus of collective genius. The collective genius is the intelligent sum of All of its parts, perfected into an equal value and merged into a new tapestry of experience within God’s Universal Plan of Creation. All parts of the consciousness experience recorded are equal and yet when joined together they create an alchemical power entirely new in the process of creation. What is held within this Ascension Alchemy transmutation process is an entirely new actualization of potential embodiment, and it extends beyond our planet, our solar system, our galaxies and even our Cosmos. The infinite nature of what is being newly created through the alchemy of these Cosmic forces is truly unfathomable.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 39607
August 2012
Supporting Loved Ones During Spiritual Crisis
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascension Family,
ES Community is involved in a group trip for environmental and planet gridwork harmonization in Indonesia. For this reason I am not able to write the August 2012 timeline updates, which will resume next month. For August, we offer Guidelines to Support Loved Ones, as so many people are undergoing spiritual crisis at this time. For support I have included three audio mediation treatments in the newsletter to utilize when standing in for a family member you wish to direct prayers towards.
Blessings to your heart, Lisa
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 46000
August 2009
Our Spiraling Universe
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
More than ever it’s All about the Spin. Spinning out these new realities, birthing us like a newborn star, the Universe is spiraling us outside of the Time Matrix. The Cosmic Birther has indeed been busy. About now those on the Ascension wave timeline are really feeling the spiraling energies changing our consciousness. Multiple sets of Synchronicity, Soul connections, Aha moments, Past Life memory, Mystery Manifestations, and Flashing Mathematical Master codes like; 1111, 4444, 8888 are a part of our everyday life. We are undergoing a phase of radical change in the ratio of the particle spin between protons the female principle particle and electrons the male principle particle. This is changing EVERYTHING! Revelations are packed into every square inch as light packets coded with frequency are bouncing through us, within a newly available frequency spectrum. As the dimensions collide and timelines collapse, sometimes right before our very eyes, our horizon is shifting and changing like we change our clothing.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 34409
September 2010
Opening of a Seal
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
Since breaking into a major timeline and dimensional intersection of the next evolutionary cycle on July 17th, we are continuing to undergo a major lifestyle restructuring, as well as enduring profoundly deep cellular transmutation. As we broke through to the other side, the shockwaves generated from the sheer impact have been reverberating through our very core, our brains and third eye. The Guardian's mention this breaking through the timeline is akin to the esoteric or biblical reference of the Opening of a Seal. If you re-read the annual theme news from January, The Year of the Indigo, it will give you a clue as to what seal they are referring to. The many earthquakes on our planetary body or macrocosmic level this year have been shaking us, preparing us to open our own personal body seal or microcosmic level. Additionally, this opening seal and the mark it left as an imprint on our forehead created some scarily intense physical symptoms around our skull, brains, nerves and eyes. The recent transmission downloads and their lucid dream states have contained many variations of geometries, hieroglyphs, Hebrew letters, animals as well as flying colors and hearing inner ear ringing tones. Our pineal gland is changing and our brain is changing. It's no wonder we have been mostly sequestered and isolated the past few months, as this has not been the altered state where one can comfortably tool around town.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 49752
Suggested for You
Personal Power
Dear Family,
I have been guided to write about this topic especially at this particular time. Many of us are at an all time high of stress, confusion, emotional intensity and instability in our lives. It is becoming increasingly important to learn how to create balance in your life in the midst of the escalating external chaos and major life altering changes. We will need further tools to learn how to connect to our Higher Self, manage our emotions and learn how to control our negative ego. It will take some investment of time to learn about your Multidimensional Anatomy and to learn to discipline your thoughts and control your emotional body. This is absolutely a Key of achieving Spiritual and Psychological Health as you become more Multidimensional. As you direct your personal intention and will to discipline your ego to the subservience to the Higher Self and Higher Mind you will be relieved of suffering. Whenever we are out of balance, the Negative Ego is always the cause. We must learn to discern WHICH voice to listen to and decide whom we will serve. To regain control over our non reasoning mind, the “subconscious”, we must retain our personal power and resist using it in service to the Negative Ego. I genuinely hope this information proves useful and it is with gratitude I share this with you.
Ascension Dynamics
As the planet is accelerating into the higher reality fields and their higher resonating frequency patterns, it is clear that many of us are experiencing a densification and magnification of our 3rd dimensional reality. I have been speaking of the “demarcation point” between these reality systems, the 3rd Dimensional and Multidimensional realities, as being incredibly amplified especially now.
This will continue onward and it is best to prepare ourselves and learn the tools of managing our ego system and our “mind” fields. This is why comprehending our multidimensional anatomy is crucial as once you are aware of the levels of your own being, it becomes clear on how to manage your ego and the subconscious mind. We cannot be on auto-pilot with our consciousness anymore without paying the energetic price. There are NO Neutral thoughts and this new energy cycle will prove this to us, time and time again.
12th Dimensional Shield
We will go over some spiritual homework that is suggested to strengthen your aura and to build your body to repel manipulation or obfuscation, which is confusion. The 12th Dimensional Light Shield is an excellent way to build the integrity of your lightbody while repelling negative or dense energies from sticking to your energy body (aura).
So our core support practice is you wake up in the morning and your first step is to make a daily declaration of your intention to resolve the authority problem between the ego personality and God. And that can be simply stated in these words or words of your own that feel emotionally charged and connected to you such as:My declaration of intention to serve my source.
I commit to serve my highest power fully completely and totally.I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.