October 2009
Between Two Worlds
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
We are getting more used to surreal events as a part of our day to day living, where the strange meets the bizarre as these events are becoming a normal daily occurrence. Synchronicities, abrupt and spontaneous changes, surprises or opportunities appearing out of the blue, relationships on every level coming, going, ending or starting are a part of acclimating ourselves to this new energetic terrain. This new energetic terrain has been palpable to experience, which feels as if we are suspended in Between Two Worlds. And indeed we are.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 26288
October 2011
Compassionate Witness
Lisa Renee
Dear Family,
Compassion is a virtue, one in which the emotional capacities of empathy and sympathy for the suffering of others are regarded as a part of love itself, and a cornerstone of greater social interconnection and humanism, foundational to the highest principles in philosophy, society, and personhood.
Throughout the ages of planetary evolution many different humanist philosophies have developed, as well as many organized religious traditions. Most all of them have emphasized the positive traits of human compassion as a virtue to strive for on daily life. When we think about the meaning of the word compassion in our society we generally think of a human characteristic, that has a moral or ethical judgment cast upon our perception of it. This judgment is stemming from our mental body, which then seeks to define what we as human beings believe is good or bad. Anytime we use the ego filter to shape our fixed belief system and its inner dialogue, we get judgment. Our judgment then assigns a value to our perception of events.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 50704
November 2010
The Restoration
Lisa Renee
As the very famous and socially impactful Libran Indigo John Lennon sang decades ago: "Nobody Told Me there would be Days like These. Strange Days Indeed!" The multidimensional arrangement of his music and his written lyrics are just as influential to us today as they were so many years ago. Accessing multidimensionality is within timelessness, and the scope of this musical achievement is an example of transcending time by accessing the spiral of consciousness which goes beyond the linear progression of the conscious mind. Many more of us are going spiral at this time, if we can let go of the 3D mental body handrails.
For many of us the beauty of our multidimensional consciousness is before us and within ourselves, as it is Returning its Intelligence to us. The Guardians mention that we are entering an evolutionary window they refer to as - the time of The Restoration. This Restoration is God's Promise to each and every one of us if we inquire upon our personal truth, allow ourselves to open our heart and surrender our ego, we can receive the Gift.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 46459
October 2012
Masculine Body Reconstruction
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascension Family,
Today is October 9th which happens to be the birthday of John Lennon, on which I happily announce the celebratory synchronicity of changing the ES newsletter title from Lift Your Veil to Shifting Timelines. Similar to Mr. Lennon's activism and efforts to Give Peace a Chance, as a Libran like myself I submit our October Newsletter with some minor changes. We have lifted the veil long enough, and it is time for us all to come out of the veiled closet into greater transparency. Now is the time to get down to the group task and business and Shift the Timelines to planetary freedom. Hence the name of our newsletter and blog series as our collaborative efforts are to protect and embody the GSF stewardship, in which we have been entrained here within the ES Community, as I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free! Happy New Shifting Timelines to all, as sovereign and free beings in the eternal light of God Source.
- Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines
- Views: 35021
Suggested for You
What do I do Now?
When you are wondering what you are supposed to be doing when your life is being dismantled during the ascension process, refer to these guidelines and stay mentally relaxed, yet focused on developing these skills within yourself. Begin to learn about the ascension process and amass an ascension toolkit. (Our number one suggested ascension tool is learning the 12D shield) Once you become clear about your evolution process, and do not take things personally your life will align in much easier ways to support you. Our daily goal is to remove the pain and suffering caused from the unknown fears that continually confuse and clutter our mind. By refocusing our mind to hold clear positive thoughts, by accepting the changes in one's life as necessary tools for growth, many needless fears of change can be avoided.
Your Ascension mission is:
To achieve balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of Self and live life in order to maximize human potential, which includes more abundance, love, connection and joy. To strengthen interpersonal relationship and social skill sets in order to feel completely comfortable, confident and purposeful in all outside influences and interactions. To be Soul embodied and actualized in your Highest Expression and Ultimate Destiny therefore contributing your creative Genius to the human collective and to our Planet. In order to embody the true self and inner core essence, two relationships must be made a priority in order to be forged, developed and remembered into the light source. The two most important relationships that every human being has the responsibility and right to create for themselves:
#1 Right Relationship to Self
#2 Right Relationship to God Source/Universe
Many people will be removed from destructive or stagnant relationships in order to pursue these two most important relationships. Once these two relationships are clarified and embodied with devotion, a new relationship vibrationally matched to your new ascending self will emerge.
Your Guides
This is the information I want to share with you from my findings and requests to the Spiritual Hierarchy to assist our healing evolution as smoothly as possible. My Ascension path is intense as I have opted to be a facilitator of this process so others may have an easier time in their evolution. I continually research, study, connect, and experience everything I can get my hands on. I wanted to have a comprehension of what was happening to me so that I could explain it to others. Truly I do not want anyone to feel the sense of isolation or fear without the support or knowledge being available to them. Having some instruction and knowing how to feel your spirit connection gives you such comfort and strength when facing your mysteries.